In Loo-uh-vuhl. At Grandpa's house.
My uncle, aunt, and two cousins arrive. I can hear everyone moving around and conversing upstairs as I read downstairs. The older of the boys comes down first, a teenager who's too cool for school, but still manages to mumble hello in his voice that has acquired new depth. Then uncle comes down, kind and mellow, innocently inquiring about something I'd never discussed with him (Ma aways tellin' folks my business, dang!). Aunt with her broken toe sitting upstairs talking loudly, always the life of the party, yelling "Where's Danielle?". And then the younger boy, almost a teenager, comes downstairs to hug me, commenting on how quiet it is with just me sitting here, reading. "You'd rather read than watch TV?! That's crazy!"
Thanksgiving has begun. :) Happy Thanksgiving, y'all.
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