I walked in honor of Eric Garner, the innocent bystander and family man who was choked to death by police in broad daylight last summer in Staten Island. The #ICantBreathe hashtag that was circulating widely in relation to protests during the latter half of 2014 was in memory of him, since those were his last words.
Another thing that I'd like to share is that apparently, my family had a surprise for me after graduation and going out to dinner together. Around 9pm my grandpa, my uncle, my aunt, and her husband walked into Ma and I's room with... A Cake! And ice cream! And cards from the rest of the family back in Loo-uh-vuhl! And a bunch of phone calls from said family members! It was a mini graduation party in our hotel room! After having such a lovely time with everybody today, I didn't need or expect anything else. So it was overwhelming having so many good things thrown at me all in one day!

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