Then a curious thing happened once we got to the bookstore. As I approached the travel section I started getting major butterflies! I even had to take a deep breath to calm myself down. And when I selected the map that I was going to buy, I panicked. My tune changed so quickly. I'm scared. I'm not ready. Ma please don't make me go, Idon'twannago!
Of course Ma wasn't trying to hear it, but this really was a significant moment for me. Even after going to my study abroad program's orientation, looking through photos on Facebook that my friends who are already in Japan uploaded, and coming across the ONIGIRI van, I didn't really feel anything. But as soon as I touched that map in the bookstore today ─BAM! it hit me. I AM GOING TO JAPAN! I'm flying thousands of miles away, and I can't just go home to Ma at the end of the day when it stops being fun or when I don't want to be bothered with people anymore. I'll be stuck. And I can't just get by hardly talking like I do here. I'll have to communicate to survive!
Welp, there's no turning back now. Let's just hope and pray that excitement will outweigh intimidation by the time I board my flight. Because I am all kinds of nervous right now.
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